Unoffical Open Beta Guide

Last Updated: Thursday, July 20, 2023 18:31:24 (UTC)


NameClassFactionNotes / Tactics
ScoutFighterCangacianWeak and low damage fighters, but fast and agile. They can be hard to hit with capital weapons so make sure you have anti-strike craft weapons or ships with you
InterceptorFighterCangacianMore tank and damage then a scout, but slightly less agile and speedy. Still hard to hit with capital weapons
Assault corvetteCorvetteCangacianAnti strike craft unit. Will do mostly hull and little armour damage.
Missile corvetteCorvetteCangacianAnti strike craft unit. Will do almost all hull and very little armour damage.
Assault frigateFrigateCangacianWeak tank compared to the other factions, but still a big enough threat due to its damage. Mixed Armour and Hull damage
Missile frigateFrigateCangacianWeak tank compared to the other factions, but still a big enough threat due to its damage. Does a huge amount of hull damage
Command shipDestroyerCangacianStrong tank but weaker damage then the assault frigate. If grouped up with frigates, destroy those first
Missile platformTurretCangacianStationary turret that deals mostly hull damage. Anti strike craft / unarmoured
Defense platformTurretCangacianStationary turret that deals a mix of hull and armour damage.
BaseStationCangacianObjective in strikes. Unarmed but tanky, with a bit of armour and a huge hull pool
Hyperspace beaconBeaconCangacianActs as a spawning point for enemies in the 'Station defense' strike. Needs to be destroyed as part of the strike objectives
ScoutFighterTanochWeak and low damage fighters, but fast and agile. They can be hard to hit with capital weapons so make sure you have anti-strike craft weapons or ships with you. Better stats than the Cangacian variant
InterceptorFighterTanochMore tank and damage then a scout, but slightly less agile and speedy. Still hard to hit with capital weapons. Better stats than the Cangacian variant
Attack bomberFighterTanochTankier but less agility and speed then the Tanoch interceptor. Will do mostly armour damage and little hull damage. If not dealt with they will strip your escorts and flagship of its armour
Assault corvetteCorvetteTanochAnti strike craft unit. Will do mostly hull and little armour damage. Better stats than the Cangacian variant
Missile corvetteCorvetteTanochAnti strike craft unit. Will do almost all hull and very little armour damage. Better stats than the Cangacian variant
Assault frigateFrigateTanochMiddle of the line when it comes to tank compared to the other faction, but will do a lot of hull damage and quite a lot of armour damage
Missile frigateFrigateTanochMiddle of the line when it comes to tank compared to the other faction, but will do massive hull damage and a bit of armour damage
DestroyerDestroyerTanochTanky brawlers but very slow. Make sure that move units that are targeted by the destroyer outside of its range
Temple Fleet defenseTurretTanochFirst seen in the 'Temple Tonaati' mission. These turrets are NOT meant to be fought. Find a gap in the defense line and rush past the defenses.
ScoutFighterYaotWeak and low damage fighters, but fast and agile. They can be hard to hit with capital weapons so make sure you have anti-strike craft weapons or ships with you. More tank but less agile version of the Tanoch scout
Pulse fighterFighterYaotTanky fighters that will do mostly armour damage. If left alone they will strip armour of escorts and your flagship
Assault corvetteCorvetteYaotTanky corvettes that will do a mix of hull and armour damage. Easier to hit then the other factions corvettes
Assault frigateFrigateYaotMost durable frigate of all factions. Will do a lot of armour and hull damage. If a strike craft is targeted by one of them, try to dock it immediately
DestroyerDestroyerYaotTanky brawlers but very slow. Make sure that move units that are targeted by the destroyer outside of its range. Has a ton of armour so make sure you stack up on anti-armour damage
CarrierFlagshipYaotEscorted by a lot of strike craft, less tank than the Yaot destroyer, but still a threat if not dealt with
BattlecruiserFlagshipYaotStrongest unit that you can fight (for its tier). Has a ton of armour, hull and firepower. Destroy its escort first and bring bombers to strip its armour.
Deep Space TorpedoFrigateYaotUsed in the 'Tanochet' mission. Need to be destroyed before they reach the targeted stations. BE AWARE that upon destruction, it'll do AoE damage around itself, enough to insta-kill frigates.
DroneFighterProgenitorEasy to hit but tanky fighters, doesn't do a lot of damage compared to the other fighters
MoverFighterProgenitorEasy to hit but tanky fighters, doesn't do a lot of damage compared to the other fighters. Only hostile fighter that has armour. (Classed a fighter in HWM, movers are corvettes in HW2)
TormentorFrigateProgenitorIon frigate like progenitor unit, seems to be relatively weakly tanked but will try to shoot a progenitor beam from a distance
MineMineProgenitorLayed inbetween the gaps of the defensive line of the main quest 'Temple Toonati'. They do no armour damage but a lot of hull damage. They will destroy your strike craft when you cross the gap, so make sure you dock them before you make the cross
KeeperDestroyerProgenitorCan only be found in the tutorial and as a fail mechanic during progenitor activities missions, has the highest combat power of all enemies. Run while you can

Friendly / Neutral

NameClassFactionNotes / Tactics
Assault frigateFrigateHiigaranFrigate seen escorting other Hiigaran units and various civilian transport ships
Torpedo frigateFrigateHiigaranFrigate seen escorting other Hiigaran units and various civilian transport ships
Ion frigateFrigateHiigaranFrigate seen escorting other Hiigaran units and various civilian transport ships
DestroyerDestroyerHiigaranDestoryer acting as a 'main' ship, patrolling around Iyatequa trading station. Escorted by other Hiigaran frigates
Turret platformTurretHiigaranStrongest turret type of all factions, can be seen guarding Iyatequa trading stations. Icons shows both kinetic as pulsar turrets
Damaged turret platformTurretHiigaranObjective during Iyatequa liaison platform defense missions. A weaker variant of the turrets guarding stations.
FreighterFrigateHiigaranFast transport unit, can be seen around trading stations and as a escort target for scannable missions
Trading shipFrigateIyatequaSmaller cousin of the 'main' trading ship. Can be seen around trading stations
Trading shipDestroyerIyatequaSlow but tanky transport unit, can be seen around trading stations and as a escort target for scannable missions
StardockStationIyatequaTrading station of the Iyatequa faction, can be seen with various models. Repairs your fleet when near you are at its location
BattlecruiserFlagshipTanochBigger cousin of the Tanoch destroyer. Seems to be equipped with missiles and kinetics, so most likely a close range unit. Can be seen patrolling Tanoch stations
Turret platformTurretTanochThe weakest turrets of all factions, can be seen around Tanoch stations. Both as a Kinetic turrets as a Missile turret
Damaged turret platformTurretTanochObjective during Tanoch liaison platform defense missions. A weaker variant of the turrets guarding stations.
FreighterDestroyerTanochTransport unit of the Tanoch faction
Large freighterDestroyerTanochTransport unit of the Tanoch faction, Larger and slower than its cousin
LinerDestroyerTanochTransport unit of the Tanoch faction, seem to be the fastest of the three transport units
Service shipFrigateTanochSmall frigate that works in pairs to transport containers around stations, can be found in Tanoch stations
StardockStationTanochTrading station of the Tanoch faction, can be seen with various models. Repairs your fleet when near you are at its location
StationStationTanochAct as a objective in the 'station defense' strikes. Has some armour and a large hull pool. Can survive a bit on its own but has no weapons to defend itself with
Solar obeservation postStationTanochStation present in the Main quest 'Temple Toonati'. This is a defensive objective for the quest
FreighterDestroyerYaotTransport unit of the Yaot faction. Can be seen with two or four container models
Command shipDestroyerYaotStronger version of the Yaot destroyer, can be seen with a hangar bay. Patrols Yaot stations
Defense platformTurretYaotMiddle of the line when it comes to combat power, can be seen around Yaot stations. Equiped with Yaot pulsar weapons
Damaged turret platformTurretYaotObjective during Yaot liaison platform defense missions. A weaker variant of the turrets guarding stations.
StationStationYaotTrading station of the Yaot faction, can be seen with various models. Repairs your fleet when near you are at its location. Has the lowest combat power of the three factions