Unoffical Open Beta Guide

Last Updated: Thursday, July 20, 2023 18:31:24 (UTC)

List of all side missions

Priority side missions that give T3 small components as its rewards

Additional story quests after Temple Tonaati main quest

Cumulative series that gives non-blueprints / resources as its rewards

Checklist for side missions: As of version 1.1.8, the following side mission series are available.

Priority side missions that give T3 small components as its rewards

Production series

Combat series

Exploration series

Hiigaran quests, short quest lines with some flavor text for the Hiigaran faction

Additional story quests after Temple Tonaati main quest

Path of the Exile

The Path of the Exile quest can sometimes bug out and not show the current objectives. If that happens to you, do the following actions: (if this doesn't fix it, please report it in the discord #bug-reports channel)



(The Ytep questline gives a Epic T3 torpedo frigate as its reward)

Various other story quests

Cumulative series that gives non-blueprints / resources as its rewards

T1 Mining

T2 Mining

T3 Mining

Note for the mining side quests, the last step is to mine 768k of type A, B and C ores.

Scanning / exlporation

Cangacian / pirate destruction

Yaot destruction

Tanoch destruction

Signal scans completion

Note for the scanning and destruction quests, last step for scans is 40k total scans. For destruction its 6.4k for each faction. The signal scans quests, the last step is 1.3k completed scans