Unoffical Open Beta Guide

Last Updated: Thursday, July 20, 2023 18:31:24 (UTC)

Ships- Flagships, escorts and squads


The flagship is you main unit, or character in the game. A flagship (or flag for short) can be equipped with various weapons and better sensor arrays (see the modules page) and it has multiple officer slots for its various compartments (see more on the officers page). The flag is the only ship in the game that cannot be permanently destroyed. When its hull reaches zero, it will be disabled and the player will get a prompt to jump back to a trading station for repairs. This means that you can use your flagship as a de facto tank to protect your weaker units

Flagships have three main 'classes':

- 220 front, 220 middle, 170 back (T1, T2 & T3)

- 240 front, 220 middle, 170 back (T4)

- 170 front, 220 middle, 220 back (T1, T2 & T3)

- 170 front, 220 middle, 240 back (T4)

Aside from the normal variants, there are also two rare flagships, the Mohaava and the Tiirshak rare explorer class flagships

Flagships Blueprints

ShipLocationCostWeaponsTargeting RangeSquadsEscortsNotes
ExpeditionStarter ship-2x Small5031
Carrier IMarket75 Ship Code fragments I1x Small; 2x Medium6061
Carrier IIMarket150 Ship Code fragments II4x Small; 2x Medium7062
Carrier IIIMarket300 Ship Code fragments III4x Small; 2x Medium8063
Carrier IVMarket600 Ship Code fragments IV3x Small; 3x Medium8063
Explorer IChapter 10 (Cangacian Troubles)
129K Credits
1x Small; 2x Medium6041
Explorer IIMarket249K Credits4x Small; 2x Medium7042
Explorer II MohaavaIyatequa liaison requisitions150 Ship code fragments II4x Small; 2x Medium70432x Small 1x Medium fixed repair turrets
Explorer II TiirshakLarge Starter PackReal money3x Small; 1x Medium9042Fixed sensor array
Explorer IIIMarket449K Credits4x Small; 2x Medium8042
Explorer IVMarket6.9M Credits2x Small; 4x Medium8042
Battlecruiser IIMarket150 Ship code fragments II4x Small; 2x Medium7042
Battlecruiser IIIMarket300 Ship code fragments III2x Small; 3x Medium; 2x Large8042
Battlecruiser IVMarket600 Ship code fragments IV4x Medium; 2x Large8042

Flagships Build requirements

Unit nameMat1Qty1Mat2Qty2Mat3Qty3
Carrier IRU A I4725RU B I1350RU C I675
Carrier IILarge Hull Parts II2835Large Weapon Parts II810Large Machinery Parts II405
Carrier IIILarge Hull Parts III1890Large Weapon Parts III540Large Machinery Parts III270
Explorer IRU A I4725RU B I1350RU C I675
Explorer IILarge Hull Parts II2268Large Weapon Parts II648Large Machinery Parts II324
Explorer II MohaavaLarge Hull Parts II2455Large Weapon Parts II792Large Machinery Parts II317
Explorer II TiirshakLarge Hull Parts II2455Large Weapon Parts II673Large Machinery Parts II436
Explorer IIILarge Hull Parts III1512Large Weapon Parts III432Large Machinery Parts III216
Battlecruiser IILarge Hull Parts II3402Large Weapon Parts II972Large Machinery Parts II486
Battlecruiser IIILarge Hull Parts III2268Large Weapon Parts III648Large Machinery Parts III324

Escorts - Frigate

Frigates are an escort class unit that costs one escort slot. Although they have less health than a flagship or destroyer, they supplement a good amount of additional damage for your fleet. Two frigate will out damage a destroyer of the same tier and rarity.

There are various frigate types:

Frigate Blueprints

ShipLocation Found
Scouting Frigate 0Starter ship, Chapter 4 - Escort ships
Scouting Frigate 1Chapter 9 - New escorts
Assault Frigate 0Chapter 4 - Bridge
Rare Assault Frigate 0Market
Assault Frigate IChapter 9 - Crew experience
Assault Frigate IIResearch found in Chapter 19 - Lazarus Repairs
Assault Frigate IIIResearch
Uncommon Assault Frigate IAll sources
Uncommon Assault Frigate IIAll sources
Rare Assault Frigate IIIAll sources
Vetran MD assault frigate IIReward from participating in the beta
Vetran Pulsar Assault Frigate IIReward from participating in the beta
Tanoch Assault Frigate IITanoch Winter Celebration (2022) (590 prestige prebuild, 290 BP)
Torpedo Frigate IIResearch found Market (20 T2 Research code fragments)
Rare Torpedo Frigate IIFrom the Large starter pack
Torpedo Frigate IIIResearch found Tanoch liaison requisitions (30 T3 Research code fragments)
Epic Torpedo Frigate IIIAll sources
Tanoch Missile Frigate IIITanoch Winter Celebration (2022) (990 prestige prebuild, 490 BP)
Ion Frigate IIIResearch found Market (30 T3 Research code fragments)
Uncommon Ion Frigate IIIMarket
Yaot assault frigateYaot liaison requisitions - reputation 6

Frigate Build requirements

Unit nameMat1Qty1Mat2Qty2Mat3Qty3
Scouting frigate 0RU M 0675
Scouting frigate IRU A I472RU B I135RU M 0270
Assault Frigate 0RU M 01125
Rare Assault Frigate 0RU M 01575
Assault Frigate IRU A I787RU B I225RU M 0450
Assault Frigate IILarge Hull Parts II378RU B II450RU C II225
Assault Frigate IIILarge Hull Parts III252Large Weapon Parts III72RU C III360
Uncommon Assault Frigate IRU A I1181RU B I337RU M 0675
Uncommon Assault Frigate IILarge Hull Parts III491RU B II585RU D II219
Rare Assault Frigate IIILarge Hull Parts III378Large Weapon Parts III108Large Electronics Parts III54
Tanoch Assault Frigate IILarge Hull Parts III491RU B II585RU D II219
Torpedo Frigate IILarge Hull Parts II454RU B II540RU C II270
Rare Torpedo Frigate IILarge Hull Parts II567RU B II675RU C II337
Torpedo Frigate IIILarge Hull Parts III302Large Weapon Parts III86RU C III432
Epic Torpedo Frigate IIILarge Hull Parts III529Large Weapon Parts III151Large Electronics Parts III76
Tanoch Missile Frigate IIILarge Hull Parts III390Large Weapon Parts III111Large Electronics Parts III55
Ion Frigate IIILarge Hull Parts III353Large Weapon Parts III101RU C III504
Uncommon Ion Frigate IIILarge Hull Parts III403Large Weapon Parts III115Large Electronics Parts III57
Yaot Aassault Frigate IIILarge Hull Parts III217Large Weapon Parts III62RU D III221

Escort - Destroyers

Destroyers are tanky escort units that costs TWO escort slots, so you will need at least an T2 flagship with no other escort unit equipped. They have a lot of hull and armour, sometimes more than a flagship. They can act as a dedicated tank for you fleet and will be fine on its own for a long time. They deal mostly hull damage and a bit of armour damage. Although a destroyer has more health than two frigates combined, it'll have less damage in total.

Destroyers Blueprints

ShipLocation Found
Destroyer IStrikes (T1)
Destroyer IIResearch found Market (320 prestige)
Destroyer IIIResearch found Market (1280 prestige)
Uncommon Destroyer IIStrikes (T2)
Uncommon Destroyer IIIstrikes (T3)
Rare Destroyer IIIstrikes (T3)
Tanoch Destroyer IIITanoch liaison requisitions - reputation 9

Destroyers Build requirements

Unit nameMat1Qty1Mat2Qty2Mat3Qty3
Destroyer IRU A I2362RU B I675RU M 01350
Destroyer IILarge Hull Parts II945Large Weapon Parts II270Large Machinery Parts II135
Destroyer IIILarge Hull Parts III693Large Weapon Parts III198Large Machinery Parts III99
Uncommon Destroyer IILarge Hull Parts II1134Large Weapon Parts II324RU D II506
Uncommon Destroyer IIILarge Hull Parts III819Large Weapon Parts III234Large Electronics Parts III117
Rare Destroyer IIILarge Hull Parts III1071Large Weapon Parts III306Large Electronics Parts III153
Tanoch Destroyer IIILarge Hull Parts III554Large Weapon Parts III158Large Electronics Parts III79

Escort - Resource controller

Resource controllers are a mining escort unit, unarmed and lightly armoured, they are not meant for any combat roles. All resource controllers have the following features:

To send a resource controller on a remote mining mission:

  1. Equip it in an escort slot,
  2. press on the unit so the unit card pops-up,
  3. then press the white symbol (mining symbol) on the unit card.

Resource controller Blueprints

ShipLocationCostRemote mining duration
Resource Controller IChapter 19 - Ore deal (unlocks upon completion)4 hours
Resource Controller I (gilded)Iyatequa liaison requisitions - reputation ?20K Credits4 hours
Resource Controller IIIyatequa liaison requisitions (research) - rep ?20 Research Code fragments II4 hours
Resource Controller II (gilded short-term)Iyatequa liaison requisitions - reputation 330K Credits2 hours
Resource Controller II (gilded)Iyatequa liaison requisitions - reputation 5200K Credits8 hours
Resource Controller IIIIyatequa liaison requisitions (research) - rep ?30 Research Code fragments III4 hours
Resource Controller IVIyatequa liaison requisitions - reputation ?800K Credits4 hours
Resource Controller IV (rare)Clan store3990 Clan coins4 hours

Resource controller Build requirements

Unit nameMat1Qty1Mat2Qty2Mat3Qty3
Resource Controller IRU A I787RU B I225RU M 0450
Resource Controller IILarge Hull Parts II378RU B II450RU C II225
Resource Controller IIILarge Hull Parts III252RU B III360Large Machinery Parts III72
Gilded Short-Term Controller IILarge Hull Parts II491RU D II438RU C II292
Gilded Long-Term Controller IILarge Hull Parts II491RU D II438RU C II292

Squads - Interceptors and bombers

Interceptors and bombers (also both known as fighters) are the smallest unit you can deploy from your flagship. Each squad takes up one squad slot, so for most flagships, you are able to deploy four units (unless you use a carrier flagship). Interceptors generally have quite a bit of hull damage, only lacking behind the assault corvettes. They also have a larger sensor radius then other squad types, so they can act as scouts for your fleet. Bombers however have the highest armour damage of all squads in the game. Interceptors are fast and agile, but have lower health then other squad types. Bombers are slower and less agile, but have a bit more tank.

Interceptors and bombers Blueprints

ShipLocation Found
Interceptor 0Chapter 1 - Local Currency
Interceptor IChapter 8 - Hiigaran Outposts
Interceptor IIResearch found in Chapter 17 - Cangacian incursion
Interceptor IIIResearch
Uncommon Interceptor IAll sources
Uncommon Interceptor IIAll sources
Uncommon Interceptor IIIAll sources
Rare Interceptor IPirate Hideout
Rare Interceptor IIAll sources
Rare Interceptor IIIAll sources
Epic Interceptor IIIAll sources
Tanoch Interceptor IITanoch Winter Celebration (2022) (99 prestige)
Yaot pulsar fighter IIIYaot liaison requisitions - reputation 2
Plasma Bomber 0Chapter 2 - Strike craft
Plasma Bomber IChapter 8 - Hiigaran Outposts
Plasma Bomber IIResearch found Market (160 prestige)
Plasma Bomber IIIResearch found Market (640 prestige)
Uncommon Plasma Bomber IAll sources
Uncommon Plasma Bomber IIAll sources
Uncommon Plasma Bomber IIIAll sources
Rare Plasma Bomber IPirate Hideout
Rare Plasma Bomber IIAll sources
Rare Plasma Bomber IIIAll sources
Epic Plasma Bomber IIIAll sources
Tanoch Attack Bomber IIITanoch Winter Celebration (2022) (149 prestige)

Interceptors and bombers Build requirements

Unit nameMat1Qty1Mat2Qty2Mat3Qty3
Interceptor 0RU M 0625
Interceptor IRU A I393RU B I112RU M 0225
Interceptor IISmall Hull Parts II378RU B II225RU C II112
Interceptor IIISmall Hull Parts III252Small Weapon Parts III72RU C III180
Uncommon Interceptor IRU A I568RU B I162RU M 0325
Uncommon Interceptor IISmall Hull Parts II504RU B II300RU D II112
Uncommon Interceptor IIISmall Hull Parts III315Small Weapon Parts III90Small Electronics Parts III45
Rare Interceptor IRU A I590RU B I168RU M 0337
Rare Interceptor IISmall Hull Parts II630RU B II375RU D II140
Rare Interceptor IIISmall Hull Parts III378Small Weapon Parts III108Small Electronics Parts III54
Epic Interceptor IIISmall Hull Parts III441Small Weapon Parts III126Small Electronics Parts III63
Yaot Pulsar Fighter IIISmall Hull Parts III241Small Weapon Parts III69RU D III123
Plasma Bomber 0RU M 0625
Plasma Bomber IRU A I393RU B I112RU M 0225
Plasma Bomber IISmall Hull Parts II378RU B II225RU C II112
Plasma Bomber IIISmall Hull Parts III252Small Weapon Parts III72RU C III180
Uncommon Plasma Bomber IRU A I437RU B I125RU M 0250
Uncommon Plasma Bomber IISmall Hull Parts II504RU B II300RU D II112
Uncommon Plasma Bomber IIISmall Hull Parts III315Small Weapon Parts III90Small Electronics Parts III45
Rare Plasma Bomber IRU A I590RU B I168RU M 0337
Rare Plasma Bomber IISmall Hull Parts II630RU B II375RU D II140
Rare Plasma Bomber IIISmall Hull Parts III378Small Weapon Parts III108Small Electronics Parts III54
Epic Plasma Bomber IIISmall Hull Parts III441Small Weapon Parts III126Small Electronics Parts III63

Squads - Corvettes

Corvettes are the largest combat squads you can deploy, with a lot more tank than fighters, they are a less agile, slower but harder hitting variant of their smaller cousins. Assault corvettes have the most hull damage out of all squads, and pulsar corvettes have a good mix of hull and armour damage (although less armour damage than a bomber).

Corvettes Blueprints

ShipLocation Found
Assault Corvette 0Market
Assault Corvette IChapter 10 - Meropis defense
Assault Corvette IIResearch found Tanoch liaison requisitions (20 T2 Research code fragments)
Assault Corvette IIIResearch found Tanoch liaison requisitions (30 T3 Research code fragments)
Rare Assault Corvette IIAll sources
Epic Assault Corvette IIIAll sources
Tanoch Missile corvette IITanoch liaison requisitions - reputation 2
Tanoch Missile corvette IIITanoch Winter Celebration (2022) (149 prestige)
Tanoch Assault corvette ITanoch Winter Celebration (2022) (49 prestige)
Tanoch Assault corvette IITanoch liaison requisitions - reputation 3
Pulsar Corvette IIResearch found Market (20 T2 Research code fragments)
Pulsar Corvette IIIResearch found Yaot liaison requisitions (30 T3 Research code fragments)
Rare Pulsar Corvette IIAll sources
Rare Pulsar Corvette IIIAll sources

Corvettes Build requirements

Unit nameMat1Qty1Mat2Qty2Mat3Qty3
Assault Corvette 0RU M 0675
Assault Corvette IRU A I472RU B I135RU M 0270
Assault Corvette IISmall Hull Parts II454RU B II270RU C II135
Assault Corvette IIISmall Hull Parts III302Small Weapon Parts III86RU C III216
Rare Assault Corvette IISmall Hull Parts II756RU B II450RU D II168
Epic Assault Corvette IIISmall Hull Parts III529Small Weapon Parts III151Small Electronics Parts III76
Tanoch Assault Corvette IISmall Hull Parts II588RU B II350RU D II131
Tanoch Missile Corvette IISmall Hull Parts II588RU B II350RU D II131
Pulsar Corvette IISmall Hull Parts II454RU B II270RU C II135
Pulsar Corvette IIISmall Hull Parts III302Small Weapon Parts III86RU C III216
Rare Pulsar Corvette IISmall Hull Parts II756RU B II450RU D II168
Rare Pulsar Corvette IIISmall Hull Parts III454Small Weapon Parts III130Small Electronics Parts III65

Squads - Resource collectors

Lastly in the squads section, we have resource collectors. These are you main workhorses for your fleet, able to mine asteroids, interact with objectives and repair your units for both hull and armour. They are not armed and have very little tank (but they are armoured!) so don't put them to close to an enemy. It may look that the different tiers and rarities have the same stats, but there are hidden modifiers that effect mining speed, repair increases and speed of the unit itself. So it is worth upgrading to a higher tier or rarity.

Resource collectors Blueprints

ShipLocation Found
Resource Collector 0Chapter 2 - Fabricator
Resource Collector IChapter 8 - New strike craft
Uncommon Resource Collector IDaily login reward
Rare Resource Collector IFrom the Large starter pack
Resource Collector IIResearch
Gilded resource collector IIIyatequa liaison requisitions - reputation 2
Resource Collector IIIResearch
Rare Resource Collector IIIAll sources

Resource collectors Build requirements

Unit nameMat1Qty1Mat2Qty2Mat3Qty3
Resource Collector 0RU M 075
Resource Collector IRU A I52RU B I15RU M 030
Resource Collector IISmall Hull Parts II50RU B II30RU C II15
Gilded Resource Collector IISmall Hull Parts II67RU D II30RU C II20
Resource Collector IIISmall Hull Parts III34RU B III48Small Machinery Parts III5
Rare Resource Collector IIISmall Hull Parts III50Small Electronics Parts III14Small Machinery Parts III7