Unoffical Open Beta Guide

Last Updated: Thursday, July 20, 2023 18:31:24 (UTC)


Scannable farm routes

Since scanable missions seem to be static to each system, and the 1st scanned system is 'refreshed' after a 7th system has been scanned, you can make yourself a farm route for different mission types.

Down below are all the epic missions that are found so far, if there are any error or I missed something, please let me know!

T3 Relic farming

Epic signals T3

Epic signals T2

Epic Activities T3

BE AWARE that epic missions are some of the hardest missions out there. So make sure you are equipped to deal with a lot of strikes craft, and tanky frigates / destroyer / flagship class enemies

Systems with the most Progenitor Signal / Activities missions (High impact route)

Sobel Rem T2

Keid T2

Chihuat T2

Ayotla T3

Paipaga T3

Samacon T3

Topaque T3

T3 Progenitor route

Ayotla T3

Tebecoma T3

Paipaga T3

Topaconta T3

Samacon T3

Topaque T3

Ubacontl T3

T2 Progenitor route

Sobel Rem T2

Keid T2

Chihuat T2

Tecpan T2

Malinalc T2

Tlapan T2

Ixtlan T2

T0 / T1 Progenitor route

Nokuuna T0

Sumaar T0

Saaret T0

Mitorai T0

Roa Tisaad T0

Fer Lamaan T0

Toasiim T0 OR Estraiir T1

Systems with Progenitor Signals and / or Activities


Nokuuna T0

Sumaar T0

Saaret T0

Mitorai T0

Roa Tisaad T0

Fer Lamaan T0

Toasiim T0


Estraiir T1


Sobel Rem T2

Keid T2

Chihuat T2

Tecpan T2

Malinalc T2

Larinca T2

Tlapan T2

Ixtlan T2


Tunda Miraan T3

Briuun T3

Ayotla T3

Tebecoma T3

Paipaga T3

Topaconta T3

Samacon T3

Topaque T3

Tiba T3

Ubacontl T3

T3 2nd scan only